Bristle worm? or what? (picture)


I saw one of these in my tank-- he was out last night at 4 am, then i have been seeing him trying to get my hermtit crabs all afternoon. i couldn't get a photo, but looked up 'reef worm' on google and found a pic-- this is very close to what i saw.
he does not look like the bristle worms i am familiar with- he has 5 antenae that he feels around with before coming out of his hole, 2 pinchers by his mouth, and sections like a centipede or milipede. out of these sections, instead of 3-4 bristles, he has a white 'hair' about 1 inch long. the one in my tank has only stuck his body out about 2 inches, but judgin by his diameter (about 1/4 inch) he must be about 4-5 inches long.
any idea what this is?
Sounds exactely like a:
Bobbit worm.
I have had many of these in my reef. Here is some info:
The bobbit worm flips its jaws out of its head to seize its victoms, then pumps poison into it. this worm is able to draw dissolved metals out of the water, and store them in its jaws, making them very hard. Some typs of bobbit worms can grow up to 6-9 feet long. But most, are about 4-9 inches long. They eat all sorts of plankton, and some fish, and enjoy hiding most of the day, and come out of there hole at night in serch of food and small sleeping fish. These are very closly related to bristle worms. They have 2 "arms" near there mouth to keep there prey still while they inject venominto it, it has 10-40 arms depending on size and are on its side. It has 4 antenie that it uses to make sure the suroundings are safe before coming out of its den. Im 99.9% of this answer i gave you, and it is not a bristle worm. Now i can see the pic, it is a bobbit worm, 100% sure of it now.


Thanks! I did a search and found some pics of the bobbit worm-- that is EXACTLY what it is!!! wow! that is really bizare!
Thanks again...


After reading your post, i went and investigated further-- there was a pile of 10 snail/hermit shells outside his hole! he has been cleaning me out! i put some frozen squid and coaxed him out-- MAN! hes a NASTY looking bugger-- makes me think twice about picking up my rocks-- would hate to get nipped by him!


Have you been able to get him, and about how long do you think yours is...
Also how long did it take for the nasty little sucker to eat your critters????
~Susie ;)


Actually, for now, i dont think im going to try and get him out... he'll only go for slow moving fish and snails/hermits-- no big loss-- all my fish are fast movers....
he is really cool and for now- im gunna let him stay till i learn more about him....
and also try to get some pics!