bristle worm problem.. advice please


I have a bristle worm problem. Should I get an arrow crab? I have 2 cleaner shrimp and a purple firefish and lots of corals. Please help.I have a 24 gallon nano, but im upgradeing tomorrow to a 55 gallon tank.


New Member
I have been told they are no big deal, not to worry about them unless they get very big, then dip them out. My tank is fish only so I don't know about how they might affect your corals. Check on the arrow crab, I think I read they can do more harm than bristle worms. Sorry not much help.


I have an 8", maybe even bigger, bristleworm in my 55. I love him, for the simple fact that he eats lots of hair algae and seems to work on detritus too. He is ugly, but luckily only comes out at night... Their was a good thread the other day talking about how 99% of bristleworms are actually beneficial. The decision is up to you, but in my opinion, as long as they are small, for u stated u had a 24, I would keep them.


There are a lot of people here that would recommend that you leave the bristleworms alone...they are excellent detrivores. I however, chose to get a sixline wrasse and I haven't seen any bristleworms since. The wrasse is very cool too.


What exactly is the problem with the bristleworms? They are actually benificial in moderation and shouldn't get out of control unless you are overfeeding.


Active Member
I think they are ugly. I read that if you soak your LR in fresh water for 15-20 minutes you can kill them. Sure it kills some beneficials, but not many.
I have 103lb of LR, but only 2 of the rocks were filled with bristles (bought from different source). Since I am still cycling my tank, I decided to give the fresh water bath a try.
I counted almost 20 worms dead after the two rocks sat in the freshwater for 20 min each. Then I soaked the rocks in separate salt water and placed them back in the tank. I still see some worms (ugh), but MUCH less. Im hoping to use the 6-line wrasse method of cleaning and maybe an arrow crab.
I dont care if they are beneficial, i think they are hideous and will let my other detritivores do the cleaning. lol


Ok, most of you say they are benificial. So WHY do alot of these newsletters and so on say they are harmful? If they were benificial I would not care. I read that they can reproduce bigtime and take over your whole tank. Today, I am upgradeing my 24 gallon nano to a 55 gallon. I have to many corals to keep in the 24 gallon now.Thanks for the advice on the 6 line wrassle. I just want to get something that will get along with my 2 cleaner shrimp and my purple firefish, snails and crabs. I just read the Arrow crab eats these worms like crazy. But if they can do any harm, then I wont get them.. Does anybody know?? Any more advice would greatly be appreciated. Thank you..


Active Member
well one reason they are considered pest is because if conditions allow they can over populate. would you like 100 worms in your display at which point they get bold and start coming out for feeding during the day. the next issue are fireworms. a type of bristle worm that does prey on corals. some people who say bristeworms are pest may actually be talking about fireworms. regular (read most) bristle worms are okay in moderation.


I know. I have fireworms..
Thats why im so concerned..I changed to a 55 gallon tank today. All went well so far. Its all set up. And guess what? I caught 3 fireworms (bristle worms) and flushed them down the toilet. One was a baby, the other 2 werent that big, But I dont need this problem.I have looked on line everywhare to read about these, and they do cause problems. I have at least 20 corals in my tank. :scared: Thats why I was asking people about the Arrow crab. Anybody think I should just get a six line wrassle instead?


The Fireworm is a bristleworm but the kind you dont want. They are reddishish in color or orange and have white bristles that will sting if you touch them. Use gloves when trying to get them out..I guess nobody knows what I should do..
..But maybe I got some out by getting those that I found in my tank transfer. I know theres more..Theres gotta be..But maybe that I got 3 out, that will help alot.


I had started a thread last week about bristleworms. I had a new live rock with some in it and wanted to know whether to keep them or not. The overwhelming opinion was to keep them.
I recently found 2 of them in my main tank which I didn't know were there. They've been there for about 7 months and I never saw them before last night. Therefore I assume they are doing no harm.
Granted they are ugly but since they are nocturnal no one sees them anyway. I would remove them if they got too large or too numerous.
But if you don't want them, get rid of them before you move the live rock to a new tank.


I also put an arrow crab in before my sixline. He was very cool to watch, but my purple tang took him out before he did anything with my worms. I would recommend the six line.


Active Member
Unfortunately, it doesnt appear that the remaining bristle worms (maybe fireworms) are being affected by the cycle my tank is going though. they are moving slowly, and i am seeing less out at night, but they are still there.
i will probably try the arrow crab before I even have any fish, or at least no fish that might eat it. I have only read that fireworms are bad because they can sting you, but that they are mostly harmless like regular bristles. maybe thats wrong.


The pinkish / greyish worms should be bristle worms and they shouldn't be a problem. The most common way they get "out of control" is if you are overfeeding. I had a couple that were about 5 or 6 inches long and never had a problem with them.


Active Member
I have tried arrow crabs for BW....They dont work I never saw mine eat a single one..BW sift sand and are bene., If they are controlled.


OK THANKS GUYS. When I get extra money I will get a six line wrassle.Im still looking for a new filter and lights. Read my other posts if anyone has anything.