Bristle worm problem


I have at least three large(over 8 inches) bristle worms in my tank. Which, by the way, is a 90 gallon soft coral reef. In addition, over the last few weeks I have eliminated two others that size. One was in my filter floss in my sump. The other was in a rock I was able to take out of the tank to get it. There has been no damage done to corals, however. Im losing alot of snails and have been for over a year. I know that to some extent bristle worms can be benefitial, but Im convinced that they are killing my snails. Ive read in other posts that they dont kill they only clean up whats already dead. I dont think the 25 plus snails Ive lost recently are from natural causes!
Has anyone had a similar problem? How can I catch these suckers before I end up with a total infestation? Do baby bristles look like the adults? Ive noticed lately at night alot of small(1 inch) black and white worm like things all ove rmy substrate and rocks. I hope these are something else!!
I would appreciate any suggestions.


Me too!!! I have one that is over 12inches, but I am always game for more. Check out the post in this forum called "check out this monster" I got a few shots of him.
Saltyj :happyfish


Komet, I have never tried this but I read that you can make a Bristle Worm trap by wrapping some food in panty hose and placing in the tank at night. According to what I read it said that the Bristle Worms would try to get to the food and their Bristles would get hung in the hose. It didn't specify what kind of food so you might have to experiment a little.
Good luck and if you try this let us know if it works


I also have heard the panty hose thing. However I bought a Neon Dottyback to eat the B worms. Anyone with more info?? My Yellow polyps are disappearing and I think it is the B worms. Could be wrong.:rolleyes: