Bristle Worm


Hey everyone. I checked the hitchiker thread and identified my little hitchiker as a bristle worm. However, he isnt very little, the part I saw of him, he was about 5 inches. I see that most are scavengers, and I did see the worm grab a piece of mysis shrimp that the fish missed.
My question is this: Is this worm too large for a 30 gallon tank? Should I remove him? Advice? I have read other threads about this, but I havent seen anything that says if size can get to be a problem.


Active Member
Bristles are generally harmeless unless they get big...NAD YOURS IS DEFIETLY BIG...They also reproduce and spread around the tank quickly.. (from my experience). I woudl suggest maybe trying to remove that one, dont pick it up with your bare fingers thouhg, because you will get a string from the poisenios tentacle things on there, it will hurt for a little bit but its not like dangerous..
If I were you I would remove that on with sweesers/net or something, and maybe purchase soem kind of warrase (they goble bristle's up like no other)
Then you should be fine, let us kow if you have any more questions.


Active Member
Bristle works will only become a problem if you are overfeeding. Id leave him in there. Theyre harmless scavengers