Bristle Worm



Well I was out mowing the yard today and heard my wife yelling at me that there was a monster in the reef tank. Well I naturally ran into the house but couldn't see anything so she explained what she saw and my conclusion was that it was a bristle worm so I sat there and watched the location (which by the way is the spot I have a green bubble that has not been doing well. Guess why) and lo and behold I noticed an ugly black bristle worm about 3" long. I went to the web and read some information on the removal of this varmint and made a trap out of a yogurt container and placed it in the tank. I really hope this works I dont want to have to break down my tank, I have 240#'s of LR that would have to come out. Have any of you had a bristle worm? if so, how did you get them out? please tell us your secrets.
Thanks, Alex


Active Member
well, i think i can say that most of us have them, they arent a bad thing, help keep bottom clean, there are a few predatoty larger ones out there, but that is rare, it isnt anything to worry about- im sure you have more than one. leave em in- i would by fish that ate them before i ever pulled 240 lbs of LR. he is nothing to worry about