bristle worms help


New Member
any help would be great , my tank is over run with these worms , last time I clean my tank I got about 50 out , I was told they will eat your live rock??
only have to saltwater fish stores in 100 mile area , one store the people are very RUDE. second store new at selling , thanks


Active Member
Bristle worms are not going to eat your live rock, they might make some tunnels but it doesn't hurt that much. If you are having such a huge amount of them it is only because they have enough to eat and breed. You might be overfeeding or something died (not always but just a maybe).
I found out that Arrow crabs will eat fairly small bristle worms of any type. Not the huge jumbos but hey I have devised a devilish trap for them that catches them and is SUPER cheap!!!!!
Get a small tuperwear (like an old clean creamcheese container)
Not clear so wormies can't see the food inside.
Put a mixture of some food inside, raw clam, cooked but fresh shrimp, raw "human type fish" That we would eat.
use a razor blade and cut an X into the center of lid of Trap
Slightly smaller than you expect worm to be.
push corners of X in so wormies can enter...BUT they can't leave (if X is correct size) because the X pushes out against them and traps them if they try to leave.
YEAH, worked for me and is CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP


New Member
hey thanks , alreay tried that didnt get very many , I took my fish net and scooped up more. I will try the arrow crab


Active Member
Bristle worms are a very benefical part of your cleaning crew and I would not take them out. If you have high numbers of them then there is something going on in your tank. They will not eat corals, live rock or fish.


Active Member
I agree, if you do see them eating anything like a fish or coral it was probably dead or close to when they got to it.


Active Member
there are types of shrimp that eat those worms, or so i've heard. thetre are also traps you can buy at fish stores to capture the worms. they won't eat rock..


Active Member
there are types of shrimp that eat those worms, or so i've heard. thetre are also traps you can buy at fish stores to capture the worms. they won't eat rock..


Bristle worms are great detrius eaters...the best...they multiply quickly if you are over-feeding....thats where i would start...slow down your feeding.


Bristle worms are beneficial, as others have stated. What sized tank is this? How much rock do you have and how deep is your sand bed?


New Member
hey thanks , I have 49 gal 3 inch of sand and mixed shell , I have 8 live rocks 1 clown 2 of the starter fish (black/white sripe) blue/yellow fin) 1 small yellow and green( not sure what he is stays on the bottom .