New Member
I have tons of bristle worms in my tank.. some are 2 to 3 inches long.. Could this be what has been killing my Fish. I havent had any major problems with my fish until I started noticing these Bristle worms. I have been told Arrow Crabs or Hawkfish will eat these worms. But, I went and got a Hawkfish and It died three days after I had it.. Maybe, to much stress. I went through all the crushed coral in the bottom of the tank and picked out as many as I could find. But, to no avail..... seems like I have double what I did have. Also, Looks like they are coming from the Live Rock.. I have a 40 Gal. tank with 20 lbs of live rock... My fish seem to be dropping like flies. I do a 10 % water change every Sat. I also have (Left) 1 yellow Tang, 1 green Chromis, 1 yellow tail damsel, and 1 neon Blue damsel. Any help on this subject is appreciated!! Thanks alot. TNT3037