bristle worms


New Member
Are there any fish or aquarium creatures that eat bristle worms? We've got a good supply. Please don't tell me I have to remove them 1 by 1 with a trap.


Active Member
why remove them? they are a good thing, but if you must, there are some wrasses which will eat them, the hardwicke is one, but needs a big tank,a dn should not be housed with more docile fish, or you could use a trap, nylon stockings and bait works well


New Member
Thanks for the reply. I thought bristle worms are dangerous to the other inhabitants--mostly invertebrates. We've had our 2 feather dusters die and a lot of snails. I thought the snails were just not acclimating to the tank, but I didn't know snails could drown! Possibly my snails drowned, but I thought the bristle worms got them.


Active Member
most snails, when they fall cannot upright themselves, and do drown, only a very few species can, the trochus anssarius and i think cerith snails can, but turbos(the most common one) can't


Active Member
Bristle worms do eat snails, I often see my bristle worm eat one. Another option instead of buying a fish is an arrow crab. They eat bristle worms if they are not too big. :p :D


Active Member
watchout for the arrow, they have been known to eat much more than worms, they have been known to eat other inverts, and smaller fish(not always, but they have a bad reputaion for it), and brisltesmay kill snails, but IMO, i haven't seen it yet, but they will eat the dead meat, if one did fall on it's back and died