bristle worms


New Member
hi, new to group. my husband and i purchased a 24 gallon nano about 8 months ago. we love it. but have had some bad luck lately. a few fish have died, they were only in the aquarium maybe 2 days. we have a serious bristle worm problem. could this maybe be killing our fish?


A lot of bristle worms could mean you're overfeeding...but they will not directly harm your fish. If you are overfeeding, then that could cause some problems other than a bristle worm explosion, and may be the reason your fish died.
What are your tank parameters? Ammonia, Nitrate, pH, temperature, etc.


New Member
Originally Posted by sdwarrior
How many fish are you keeping and what kind?
we have 2 percula clownfish, 1 3 stripe damsel, snails, crabs, and 1 green brittle starfish. so far anything new we put in has died.


Active Member
Bristleworms shouldn't be harming your fish. At the same time, if you don't like having them in there, I have heard that the bicolor psuedochromis will eat bristleworms (got that from another site's description of the species). The only confirmation I have is that I have a psuedochromis and the bristleworms that were recently introduced into my tank have since disappeared.


Active Member
well unfortunately there are two problems.
1. green brittle stars are known predators, they will catch and eat fish.
2. damsels are vicious, they will cause problems for new fish due to their territorial needs.
If one of these are not the problem, then....
how is your tanks water....ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, ph, temp?
how are you acclimating the fish?