Bristle Worms


New Member
I have heard people say that bristle worms are bad for a reef tank. Why is that? And, if they are bad for the tank, then how can I get rid of them. Thanks


Active Member
A long time ago there were rumors that bristle worms would attack tank inhabitants, easting corals, attacking clams and fish, ect. Later a specific kind of bristle worm was proven to be the bad apple, generally refered to as a fire worm. Most bristle worms are now thought benificial because they make great scavengers. If you have bristle worms, good deal :)The only way I see them becoming a problem is if they reproduce to pest proportions, which is likely in tanks with excess nutrients. IME excess nutrients and a substrate made up of crushed coral is the perfect equation for pest proportions :) HTH


I have read that most hawkfish love to swoop down on bristle worms. If you have the room this could be a cool addition to your tank. Lancer
I used to see these lil guys crawling up the sides of my tank when lights were off, Early in the am I would turn my lights on just before dawn and my fish would feast on them.
I have a Bristleworm (Fire) in my 35g. Never knew it was in there until one day when it emerged to get some food that had made it to the bottom. It is the largest I have ever seen, at 1 and 1/2 feet in overall length. I found out the hard way that it was a fireworm, my hand didnt even work for two days!
I find it to be a great scavenger, and it has never harmed anything in the tank, except me.
Aarow crabs devour the smaller ones if you dont want it in there, My arrow crab see's the big one and runs for cover, smart crab!


Active Member
I have found the little guys munching at my finger leather, colt coral, and most recently my open brain. :mad:
Originally posted by option720:
<STRONG>You couldn't ue your hand for two days. What happened did it sting you? That is some freaky stuff!</STRONG>
I was moving the sand back after my maroon clown swept it aside, the worm was in the samd and I didnt see it, it got me on the pointer finger, upper knuckle. It hurt like hell for days, not to mention my hand was useless for two days and I was violently ill. Word of warning, Dont touch, make a worm trap if you need to get rid of them. :mad:


Active Member
Most bristle worms can inflict pain on a reefer, those little bristles will break off and get in your skin. OUCH! Duck tape works to get them out. Most bristles will only attack something when its already dying :eek: , hence scavengers.