bristle worms


New Member
help my bristle worms are out of control is there anything i can get to get them back in control .... something that will eat them


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darknes
Feed less food to your tank. They're probably thriving on the leftover scraps.

Starve them back into control... A few are OK, but too many are a problem..


Active Member
Bristle Worms are very good indicator species.
As folks have already posted, there must be an abundance of food if you are having a population explosion of Bristles.
You can try the stocking trick to remove some. Bait a piece of stocking with a pice of shrimp and leave it for a few hours overnight. The worms will get caught in the stocking. Just don't leave it for more then a few hours or you risk fouling your water.


Red Coris Wrasse eats bristleworms - my fiend Ryan has a reef tank and uses a Red Coris to control the bristles