Bristle Worms


keith a

I have a 55 gallon tank with lots of live rock, 2 clown fish, 1 large coral banded shrimp, 2 brittle star fish, many snails and hermit crabs, a horseshoe crab, 2 large emerald crabs and a feather duster. My tank is over a year old, but is being overun by bristle worms. When I first started noticing them I added a wrasse and he seemed to control them but he also ate my pepermint shrimp. I would like to add more invertbrates (shrimp in particular) but would like to know if there is something I can add that will control the amount of bristle worms I have. I was thinking about a dottyback, but am not sure if it would be compatiable with other shrimp/inverts. Any advise on controlling my bristle worm population would be appreciated.


Active Member
Another bristleworm thread....

Why are you concerned with bristleworms?? Thay are a beneficial part of your clean up crew. They hide during the day so that they are not an eye sore. My suggestion is to leave them be....they will not harm anything.
Also, they will come and go with the available left over food in the tank. Try cutting down on feeding for a month and you should see a difference if they really bother you that much.

keith a

I don't mind them but they have gotten to the point were they are visible even during the day with the light on, if I sift through the crushed coral on the bottom there are hundreds of them. I just want to cut down on the number of them.


Active Member
My coral banded shrimp tears them up if he comes across them.... my cleaner shrimp actively searched them out -- my main tank is free of them but I have a healthy population in my sump.
I would think most shrimp would take care of these.