keith a
I have a 55 gallon tank with lots of live rock, 2 clown fish, 1 large coral banded shrimp, 2 brittle star fish, many snails and hermit crabs, a horseshoe crab, 2 large emerald crabs and a feather duster. My tank is over a year old, but is being overun by bristle worms. When I first started noticing them I added a wrasse and he seemed to control them but he also ate my pepermint shrimp. I would like to add more invertbrates (shrimp in particular) but would like to know if there is something I can add that will control the amount of bristle worms I have. I was thinking about a dottyback, but am not sure if it would be compatiable with other shrimp/inverts. Any advise on controlling my bristle worm population would be appreciated.