Bristle worms


Active Member
An arrow crab will eat them...but may also small inverts....and he may get eaten himself by certain fish...
Another option, take a 5 gallon bucket....mix a VERY high concentration of salt water, dip our live rock in it for a few minutes...they will come out of the holes, use tweezers and pluck them out into a bucket, then rinse the rock in some tank water.

bang guy

Bristle worms are detrivores. If you remove their food source they will not be able to breed. I'm just guessing, but I think you're overfeeding.


Guys right on (as usual)
Enjoy the bristleworms, they are a sign of good stuff in your tank. they breed and release gamates into the water column and this in turn feeds your corals.
The bristleworms are fine, they don't cause any problems, and many people pay for these things, so start selling them off.
Sorry for the newbie question but are Bristol worms the little white guys that are on the LR? If they are they eat my tangs poo : )
All of my worms are gone,and I see no more kritters in my LR.. Everything else is fine, except my rocks pink areas are now turning white:confused: What is wrong? Will the kritters come back ? Will the rock turn pink again?
PH = 8.4
Ammonia = .10
Nitrite = 0
nitrate =4
Temp = 81
Salintity = 1.019
What are good params?
I was told that:
PH should be 8.2
Ammonia should be 0
Nitrite should be 0
Nitrate should be anywhere bellow 40
Mine are


Active Member
Your ammonia level depends on which test kit you have.
my ammonia level always reads .10, whether its in the tank, or in the bucket of mix water ready to go in.
it doesnt matter what dechlor i use, aquasafe, or any of them.
my ammonia always reads .10