Bristletail Filfish! Pictures!


shrimpy brains

As some of you know, I am the (accidental
) owner of a small Longhorn Cowfish! Well, LC seemed lonely in that little tank by herself. So, I got a Bristletail to keep her company while the big tank is being built!
Anyway, this is an awesome fish.
Seems to have adjusted well and gets along great with LC.
LC has grown to about 1 and a half inches and the Bristletail is about 2 inches. Maybe alittle more!
Cranberry, can you tell if this is a female? The lfs had several and I didn't see any with obvious bristles on the caudal peduncle. Either they were all female, or I just couldn't tell, so I just got 1.

Anyway, pics attached. Sorry, my camera isn't the best!


shrimpy brains

Some pics of LC. She is finally growing some horns! lol


shrimpy brains

Originally Posted by meowzer
http:///forum/post/3281018's amazing
so does this mean your shrimp is on hold???
lol Yes, the Mantis will have to wait. I am working on better housing for these fish, but it will be a couple of months before I can move these guys. Probably not a good idea to drop the Mantis in there! Thankfully, I hadn't ordered it yet!


Cranberry, can you tell if this is a female?
*in my best Cranberry voice*
the pix you posted aren't sufficient to show the fish's ---. the best way to look for the "bristles" is when the fish has its tail curled to one side (as they often do). look for the rough patch (bristles) on the "outside" radius of the curved caudal area, as this is when they stick out a bit.
[/Cranberry voice]

shrimpy brains

Thanks Cranberry, for taking the time to help me when you so obviously have a cold. lol
I will try to get a better look and a better pic.


LOL...That cowfish's face is soooo funny looking
What is the smallest tank a cowfish can go in?
How about a file fish?


The filefish will be fine in a 30G or larger. It could even be in a like a 15G if it was the only fish, or maybe just one other fish.
Don't cowfish get huge? I thought they needed like 100G or more? Something crazy, I think they reach over 12"


Originally Posted by BTLDreef
The filefish will be fine in a 30G or larger. It could even be in a like a 15G if it was the only fish, or maybe just one other fish.
Don't cowfish get huge? I thought they needed like 100G or more? Something crazy, I think they reach over 12"
SHRIMPY......we want to know....LOL...I know you mention a BIGGER tank...what size is it gonna be??? and how big will the CF get??

shrimpy brains

Wow. This thread got busy after I went to bed. lol
Thanks for the well wishes. I love both these fish. The new tank is 220g. I am calling it the "unique fish" tank! The Bristle tail only gets about 3 and a half inches! I think all other questions were answered!