Bristleworm ID


Well we all have them, and I'm not jumping on the Fireworm bandwagon yet. Just have a couple of these that I'm hoping won't be trouble. I only have a small mushroom and some Xenia, haven't seen them getting nipped yet.
Biggest one is looking bout 5 to 7", I just noticed he either has a twin or a tail in this picture. What do you guys think?

And a tank shot for size reference, notice the Aquaclear powerhead on the right. Oh yea, 29 gallon tank


Active Member
Ive never heard of bristle worms nipping anything but left over foods, fire or not they are harmless scavengers...


Real Fireworms, which are rare (1% what I've been reading) will eat through coral. Bristle Worms are great for everything else, but there's such a variety was just wondering if anyone was familiar with this type I have. And I've never actually seen a Fireworm, hard to find pics on the internet because so many Bristleworms are around


Active Member
yep...i love my free cleanup crew. when times are tough...i go out of my way to feed them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Traps
Real Fireworms, which are rare (1% what I've been reading) will eat through coral. Bristle Worms are great for everything else, but there's such a variety was just wondering if anyone was familiar with this type I have. And I've never actually seen a Fireworm, hard to find pics on the internet because so many Bristleworms are around
True Caribbean fire worms are bright orange, and are a threat to the aquaria. There are also long thin red ones that prey on snails. The list of harmless types is far larger than the list of harmful. Typically, they are seen as, innocent until proven guilty.