I have just come up with an excellent way to get rid of bristleworms. Get a small piece of that cream colored rock that is very porus and very light. Cut it in half with a hack saw. Hollow out the middle of both sides untill it is big enough to hold a piece of fresh shrimp( from your local supermarket). Make a bunch of holes that go to the outside from the center. Wash it out good then get a rubberband that is the correct size to hold it together and attach a piece of fishing line to the rubberband. Put a piece of frech shrimp inside the rock then put the rubberband around it. At night lower the trap into your tank, placing it in a spot where you have seen the little suckers. then pull it out in the morning, take it apart and pick the worms out with a pair of tweezers. (do not touch them with your fingers.) I invented this five days ago and have caught 12 of them in that time.