Britanny Spears has a new baby boy!



Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
im sensitive to spicy stuff so cajun chicken is spicy to me
most mild salsas are too hot for me...


little bit of everything. I process, originate, close.. you know, all the good stuff! :)


yes you do. you did my loan last november. i was the one who got mad at the table and threatened to turn the notary's face into hamburger. you told me there would only be $2,500 in origination but then you dumped another $2,500 in discount. you lied to me jen.
and even though i did the loan with you, i feel like you took part of my soul in that commission check that you so happily walked to the bank. while you probably used it as a nice down payment for your new Porsche, me and my family have been living off of pinto beans ever since.
raw pinto beans.
i hafta use scratchy toilet paper now. y'know- the kind that people who work in warehouses hafta put up with. my fishtank has algea and my dog salivates all over himself. my house smells like funk and this is ALL BECAUSE OF YOUR ANTICHRIST LOAN!!
actually i just read yer profile.


you just remind me of someone, so i was wondering if maybe you were that someone...


Originally Posted by jdragunas
you just remind me of someone, so i was wondering if maybe you were that someone...
is it my studly avatar?
naush, naush, naush!!!


no so much... i'm not good at picking these things up, and i still don't think i know you... oh well...


Active Member
so........where is K Fed during the birth of his child?????? That low life was with Brit when the other girl he was with gave birth to their 2nd child.


Active Member
Anyway, back to the hot sauce. The hottest for a me is Smack my

and Call me Sally from a place here called Tijuana Flats and Dave's Insanity.
They have a place down here as well called Quaker Steak and Lube with wings you have to sign a waiver for. My favorite thing is that if you go in the mens room they have signs posted everywhere stating if you had "insert name of wings you signed the waver for" wash your hands BEFORE using the restroom. Ouch!!!