Brittle on the kill


I saw my green brittle star try to eat my seabae anemone yesterday. It grabbed it and pulled it out of the sand before finally letting go. Could this be a sign that my anenome is in trouble? It looks good except that it seems to be slowly getting a shade darker in color. It is a purple tip. I moved the brittle to another tank, but I don't know why he would attack it unless he thought he could eat it. Darn brittle was hard to get out of the tank too. Held tightly to the rock. Anyone have a clue?


if it has gotten a shade darker, that could actually be an indication of adequate lighting and zooxanthellae activity...a good thing! when anemones start expelling zooxanthellae and become whiter, that is when you need to worry. feed your brittle stars pieces of meaty seafood often to avoid them eating your fish and inverts. hope this helps :)


I have a few brittle stars that are a pain also, but I have had them for more then ten years, so they will stay. I cut up a mushroom and glued it to a rock, and the starfish pulled all of the pieces off.
The occassionally knock down frags, pick at my xenias, etc. Maybe I am not giving them enough food, or maybe it is their nature, not sure which it is. I have never had one attack an anenome though, or possibly I missed the attack.
Green serpents are bad news in my book!! i had one once(note i said once). it ate all my coral cuttings, 2 cardnals, and 2 percula clowns. never ever will i get one, or reccomend one again. get rid of it! ;)