im using the RED SEA starter kit that ***** sells that comes with the RED SEA test kits. thats where i got my info...i was confusing it with my fresh tank since i tested both the same day.
as for the buff......i dont have to use it that often? or not at all?
i just rechecked my ph and its 7.8 not bad...i guess its still to low thou....
idk alot about salty's since this is my first but the only thing that i have lost was my xenia pulsing coral...which was doing fine untill i had the bristle worm issue which is now under control....and now my sea star is kickin the bucket...
as for flow in tank....i have a tetra power head that pushes at an angle down and across the tank. my backback filter with dual flow in the center of the tank. there seems to be good flow in the tank.....when my coral was alive it would sway around like a tree in the wind.....and i know they need good flow...
as for the substrate,,,,,crushed coral/sand mix from *****.
im trying to find a refractometer now. didnt know that they where that important till i read on them last night.
ive had alot of miss leading information giving to me by so many sources that im confused as to what i do need and dont.