That was what ***** called it, it’s a dark brown Brittle Star is all I can tell you.
And on the private message, I have never been on a message board that didn’t allow private messaging. My main reason for wanting this person to email me ( it they want to) is that often when threads get this long people don’t come back unless it’s of specific interest to them or they are the one that originated the post. So when the posts gets old and drawn out on most boards the interested parties carry on with their private email. It's not being shared because most peopel have stopped viewing the posts. Also it’s a bit childish to force us to share. It should be my option or the others here to turn on or off private messaging, not mandated by the moderator. I think most of us are adults here and able to make such choices on our own.
That was what ***** called it, it’s a dark brown Brittle Star is all I can tell you.
And on the private message, I have never been on a message board that didn’t allow private messaging. My main reason for wanting this person to email me ( it they want to) is that often when threads get this long people don’t come back unless it’s of specific interest to them or they are the one that originated the post. So when the posts gets old and drawn out on most boards the interested parties carry on with their private email. It's not being shared because most peopel have stopped viewing the posts. Also it’s a bit childish to force us to share. It should be my option or the others here to turn on or off private messaging, not mandated by the moderator. I think most of us are adults here and able to make such choices on our own.