Brittle Star/Serpent Star


Well, my shrimp is pretty big--I had the same two forever but I did finally lose one when I shifted everything into the new tank. I like the bigger ones because I think they might be less "appetizing." At least I hope so. I don't really have anything that could make a meal of them. Anyway, I think I'm going to go for the serpent because on this site they seem more visually appealing, and in the end that's what we all are after, isn't it? LOL! Thanks for the replies!


Active Member
Just remember the large red one is an very delicate shipper and acclimation is very important for them.
The others are a bit hardier all in all.


Active Member
I also have a green brittle and a serpent. Neither are predatory (lucky I guess). they are pretty much the same except the serpent is smaller and the green brittle is getting pretty big, it's almost scarey. both will come out to eat when I feed them. I really see no difference.


Does it discourage them to do their clean-up job if they are spot fed too much?
Thanks for the shipping tip. I've read several times in different places that a long drip acclimation is the only way to do any kind of star.


Active Member
they are far less likley to search as hard for food if they have it handed to them. (though I have never seen my brittles not go after food)


New Member
I have three brittles and for nine months they have been fine I rarly see them though they come out at night more than anything else