Brittle Star


i have a good sized brittle star that i want to put in my refugium. will it eat all of the pods and good stuff that i have in there? is it safe to place him in there?


Active Member
It is safe to have it in there. What kind of star is it (color?). While it may eat some pods it is not a major threat, IMO, but do be sure to spot feed it something.


it's a big black one. i want to put him in there b/c lately several small fish and 2 cleaner shrimp have jsut dissapeared out of nowhere. i want to put him here temporarily and see if something else is causing it. any ideas of what else could be happening?


Active Member
Not without more tank specs (parameters, inhabitants). It will be fine in a refugium though, just be sure to spot feed like you should be doing now :yes: :D