New Member
I have a 50 gallon and a 29 bio cube . The 50 is 1 and half years old with with 60 pounds of live rock and the 29 gallon is 8 months old withn about 20 pounds of live rock and 30 pounds of live sand. What does everybody know about the two inverts . This is my first post so I will give you my parameters of both tanks . the 50 is 0 nitrites and 0 amonia and 40 ppm nitrates . The 29 is 0 nitrites and 0 amonia and 20 ppm nitrates. My fish list for the 50 is 1 Flame angel, false percula clown , 1 six line wrasse , 1 lawn mower blenny ,1 blue devil damesel fish, I have alot of inverts in this tank 1 fire shrimp , 5 peppermint , 2 skunk cleaner shrimp , 1 strawberry crab ,20 blue and red legged hermit crabs , 6 cerith snails 4 turbo snails , 1 knobby starfish . the 29 has 2 pj cardinals , 1 wheeler goby , 1 firefish gaby , 1 royal gramma , 2 skunk cleaners , 1 peppermint shrimp and 1 cc starfish 6 hermit crabs . I will try to post some pictures the next time I post .