Brittle Stars Being Aggressive?


I don't know if this is normal or not, but my brittle star actually ate my yellow watchman goby :mad: Has anyone heard of this? I never thought of starfish as that aggressive. Are there other fish that I would have to worry about being eaten by him? I have no experience in other starfish so any advise would be great.


Active Member
Yes, brittles are known to eat smaller fish on occasion, usually at night while they are sleeping. I have found that it helps to directly feed them once a week or every other week. I feed mine a 1/2 a silverside or so. This way their belly is full, they are happy and will tend to leave your fish alone. I've had mine about six months without any problems at all. HTH


Active Member
I'd have to agree with anthem about green brittles being the most agressive. Try a generic brittle star. They are black i believe. I have had a green brittle for a while and have never had a problem. But I've heard from many people that they can be very aggressive. Like all things, it depends on the specimem.


Tahnks for the replies. Now I know to be careful in choosing the next fish that go in w/ the star.