:happyfish How big are the brissle stars, do you know? I bait for brisstle worms a lot, and I caught one of the green brissle stars once, and I don't know how he got in the trap? Maybe try a brissle worm trap, or have you tried the coke bottle trap? You take an empty 1 liter plastic coke bottle or whatever soda, and cut the top off right where it starts to bend into straight, and turn that over and put it in the bottom, and if you do it right the top stays on tight, and doesn't come off. If you are confused by my instructions you can find it on the net anywhere, or ask Bob Fenner. Just put some small stones at the bottom in your trap, and angle the opening towards where you think they are, and bait it with very little krill or squid or whatever. Just make sure it's not to angled, otherwise they can climb out. Being that Brissle stars and brissle worms are scavengers and predators, they should use the trap. This trap is MUCH bigger than others, so it can trap larger, mantis, and stars. Hope this helped I tried it, and caught a mantis in the trap. :happyfish