Brittle stars


Will a brittle star kill another one I have a green brittle and a black one the green one has the black one wrapper up I cant tell whats going on so i dont want to mess with them.


Active Member
Its possible I suppose. I would probably leave them alone unless there is clearly some issue. Brittlestars commonly try and steal food from one another and though they may lose and arm or something, that is usually the extent of the damage. But if one is like eating the other one, then separate them - maybe put one in some tupperware or something with holes punched in it, or in a refugium or something.


Originally Posted by ophiura
Its possible I suppose. I would probably leave them alone unless there is clearly some issue. Brittlestars commonly try and steal food from one another and though they may lose and arm or something, that is usually the extent of the damage. But if one is like eating the other one, then separate them - maybe put one in some tupperware or something with holes punched in it, or in a refugium or something.
Thanks i think thats what happend my little one lose a leg just now i hope hes OK
Thanks :notsure:


Active Member
Are these new brittlestars? Do you feed them? If you don't typically spot feed them, I would do that ASAP with something meaty, or even shrimp pellets or something. The green will most certainly be more interested in food. If they are left to scavenge, then this could in theory cause issues with attacking one another.


Active Member
So did you spot feed your brittles? I just started doing that with my 2 black brittles after reading on a thread somewhere that it's a good idea to. I feed mine just once or twice a week, and it is definitely so far my favorite part of this hobby!! VERY cool!! Even my coral banded shrimp has gotten into the act. When he knows there's meat in the house, he's front and center and the first to grab a piece. I LOVE spot feeding my critters.
By the way, I usually put the meat on a toothpick and let them grab it off.

Hope you have fun with it too.
Lisa :happyfish


Thanks Lisa i was wondering how to get it to them i tried by hand and ive tried with tongs and it didnt work soo now im off to try the toothpick Thanks :thinking:


This is probably a crazy question, but when feeding a starfish, do you put it on top of them or under them. :thinking:


Active Member
Oh man, Sandys, all you have to do is put a small piece of meat on a toothpick and hold it by one of their's so COOL. Just let them take the food off of the pick.
Actually, tonight I went to spot feed, and of course my CB shrimp was front and center...he got he first piece. One of my stars (the one that wasn't out earlier in the week was up on the glass. I handed him a piece of shrimp, he wrapped 2 arms around the meat, and I was able to see him actually eat it. :happy:
I found my second star, who's been fed more recently and completely turned his nose up at the booty, BUT there was one of my emerald crabs hanging upside down on a rock straining to get at the little piece of meat. I held it down by him and away he scooted with his prize. Great fun.... :jumping:
Just tiny pieces on toothpicks works great for me.
Have fun!!!
I think that I'd better let you know that the "meat" I'm talking about is all fresh shrimp, scallops, squid, clams, etc.
Lisa :happyfish


Originally Posted by sandys
This is probably a crazy question, but when feeding a starfish, do you put it on top of them or under them. :thinking:
I just touched him or her with it and he did all the rest grabed it right off the toothpick


I have a black brittle and just added a green brittle. (I really wanted the BLue Linka). Well, the Black brittle hides in the LR and the Green brittle is more stiff like and he just stays on the surface of rocks. THe green brittle moves faster and he actually runs for food.
I feed my stars by using a turkcy baster - brine, mysis, plankton, krill. I just eject a little above them and the minute the food hits the tank, they are waving their legs and will try to capture the floating foods. With my powerheads rotating the water, they manage to capture the food.
Opihura hit the bull's eye, my stars seemed to be competing for food and they did intertwined one leg but they broke loose and no other problems since then.