Active Member
I was reading through a site belonging to a person on here and learned something very exciting. It gave me new respect for my green brittle star. So much I had to jump up and give him/her a piece of shrimp!
According Nature Magazine, and others, apparently brittle starfish may have the ability to see. Through a microscopic network of calcite composed lenses on their SKELETON! In other words they appear to have small lenses all over their bodies that are connected to nerves and likely allow the animal to at least see shadows. This explains a lot about how my brittle star acts in my tank. It hides until the lights go out except for when I feed. Then it comes barreling out and waves its arms around looking (apparently)right at where I stand, trying to collect the food. whenever I feed it it reaches straight out and grabs the food from my hand before I get very close to it.
I'm sorry, maybe I'm a real geek here, but I find this absolutly amazing. Probably the most amazing thing that I have learned in this hobby. Heres a pic I borrowed from the artcle in Nature Magazine. This was discovered in 2001. It was taken with an electron microspoe!
I want to thank the owner of that site for listing that article's link and allowing me to find it. Wait till my son finds out.

I'm sorry, maybe I'm a real geek here, but I find this absolutly amazing. Probably the most amazing thing that I have learned in this hobby. Heres a pic I borrowed from the artcle in Nature Magazine. This was discovered in 2001. It was taken with an electron microspoe!
I want to thank the owner of that site for listing that article's link and allowing me to find it. Wait till my son finds out.