broke my leg


Active Member
the weridest thing happened to me about 5 weeks ago, i was getting out of bed about 3am to go to the rest room and as soon as my foot hit the floor my leg broke had to call 911 and the entire thing, luckly there was no cancer or tumor or anything, and at 43 years old that is the first thing you think of...a week after the break i had a rod put in it and 3 screws in the top and 1 screw in the bottom ankle area, it was this or 6months in a cast, the day after surgery i could put weight on my leg crazy, now i'm back on the boards and getting around, still hurts like hell, but the vikeden (sp?) helps alot....any way very strange and thought i'd pass it along, but its great to be back, and they're still not sure why it broke they think just a freak thing, the angle and the tork and such...


WOW! That is so odd! I have never heard of stepping out of bed and braking your leg! :notsure: Glad your ok and back though! :jumping:


Active Member
i broke my arm snowbaording last year. i was in a cast for about a month and a half, it wasnt fun.


If you have ever seen footage of Sam Bowie's compound fracture of his leg in like 85 it was the same. He took a step to jump up for a little jumper and somehow the stress of starting to jump broke his leg. And that was a compound! Looked even worse than Theismann's, the ankle was hanging down at a 90 degree angle :scared:


Hope you feel better.
Hey, i grew up in Kettering on Ridgeway road. Went to Northmont and miami valley high school


Active Member
Hello Larry in Kettering. I lived in Miamisburg for a while. Small world, huh?
Never broke my leg getting out of bed. Sounds like cosmic planetary alignment anomalous phenomenon. Otherwise known as a "freak accident."
Glad to hear you didn't fall and land on something sharp impaling yourself or something really, really weird!


Active Member
hey i went to northmont 1981 grad, worked at channel 7 for 20 years now i stay home with the is a small world, my ex mother in -law worked at miami valley school for years and my ex brother in law and sister in law went there....


Active Member
I also stay home with my kids.
People said I'd be bored to death and would never adjust after working for years. Ha! Took me all of 24 hours to adjust. Have to go now. Taking youngest daughter to a birthday party.