Broken Glass Heater

p fish

About Ten days ago I came home from work and found my glass heater broke in my sump of my 125g reef. The wire was burnt and a fuse kicked off the electricity. I cleaned the glass out the sump and the remain of the heater and thought everything was fine, the fish ate and all inverts seem OK. Two days later, I noticed some inverts starting to dye and my fish would come out to eat. Tested the water, everything is OK. Its been around a week and the fish still don't come out to eat and most of the inverts are dead. This tank has been set up for three years, was very heathly. Not sure what is going on and don't know what to do next......HELP PLEASE.....


Active Member
Metal coil may have been sucked up into your display, that's my first thought. Are you sure you got all the metal out out of the sump? Check the display and then I'd do water changes about every 3-4 days.


Active Member
I agree with Laddy, start water changes immediately. Start with 25% IMO, wait a day or 2 and do it again. Just my opinion.