

Originally Posted by jessica47421
i gave mine a bath last night and he dont seem to be doing better actually his fins are starting to come off too.
Keep trying. Brook has to be caught early, but don't give up hope!


Active Member
it is so weird tonight when i looked at him the skin dont look to be peeling any more now it looks like he just has ick small peices of salt over him?????


Originally Posted by jessica47421
it is so weird tonight when i looked at him the skin dont look to be peeling any more now it looks like he just has ick small peices of salt over him?????
Was their ich in his tank? It may be the formalin working on the infection. Keep treating.


Originally Posted by jessica47421
yes he had both would one clear up that fast?
Worry about the brook first, then you can hypo him and whatever fish he was in with.


How long can the formulin stay in a seperate tank and still be considered "good"? The reason I ask is, we have been trying to catch the clown all day for his second bath and have had no luck. The formulin has been mixing in a seperate tank since 10:00am this morning.


FINALLY got Layla into the formalin bath. Any suggestions on the best way to catch a fish without disturbing rockwork and other tank inhabitants (corals and inverts)? I felt like the longer it went on, the better she got at hiding! I had to take some of the rockwork out to catch her...I would rather not have to do that again. Any tips? Thanks!


Originally Posted by bustedadam
FINALLY got Layla into the formalin bath. Any suggestions on the best way to catch a fish without disturbing rockwork and other tank inhabitants (corals and inverts)? I felt like the longer it went on, the better she got at hiding! I had to take some of the rockwork out to catch her...I would rather not have to do that again. Any tips? Thanks!
The easiest is durring feeding time. The fish get wise to what you are up to very quickly. Be sneaky. You may end up having to remove some of the rock though.


Brooklynella will go away if it hosts an anemone. I heard parasites can't live in an anemone. Not too familiar on disease treatment but I had a gold banded clown that had it and bought an long tentacle anemone and he started hosting it and it went away. Not sure if it was the anemone curing the disease or if the clown was less stressed due to the anemone and it was able to fight the disease off himself.


Originally Posted by supalupa
Brooklynella will go away if it hosts an anemone. I heard parasites can't live in an anemone. Not too familiar on disease treatment but I had a gold banded clown that had it and bought an long tentacle anemone and he started hosting it and it went away. Not sure if it was the anemone curing the disease or if the clown was less stressed due to the anemone and it was able to fight the disease off himself.
That is in no way true.


I just lost a Gramma and will lose a Goby by morning since the stores are closed. I still have a clown that I hope I can save.
Do you move the fish to a QT or just get them from the DT to do the bath? Can Brooklynella only host on a fish or should I treat my Tank somehow?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Gmidd
I just lost a Gramma and will lose a Goby by morning since the stores are closed. I still have a clown that I hope I can save.
Do you move the fish to a QT or just get them from the DT to do the bath? Can Brooklynella only host on a fish or should I treat my Tank somehow?
Brooklynella needs a host fish to survive. I would give him baths in your QT.


Originally Posted by shogun323
Brooklynella needs a host fish to survive. I would give him baths in your QT.
Should I move the fish to the QT and do the treatments in a bucket. Not sure if the DT needs to be fish free to make sure everything dies off.
*edit. Dug up more info. I will move the Clown to the QT with a 1.010 salinatey to prevent any reinfection from free wimming parasites and do the treatments in a bucket.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Gmidd
Should I move the fish to the QT and do the treatments in a bucket. Not sure if the DT needs to be fish free to make sure everything dies off.
*edit. Dug up more info. I will move the Clown to the QT with a 1.010 salinatey to prevent any reinfection from free wimming parasites and do the treatments in a bucket.
I rescind my advise to do formalin baths in your QT. As Beth states in her posts you need to do baths in a separate dedicated bucket.
You don't want to drop your salinity down. Do the baths and you will be good.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
The fish can be in a qt but the baths should be done in a bucket.
Sepulation saves the day!!!!!!