Brooklynella or Lymphosistus?


I have a small Kole tang in Quarantine with many other fishes (i.e. same water/filtration but 3 containers with 3 fish each). Have had them in there for many weeks with no problems. They are completing their first week of hyposalinity at 1.009.
All fish including the Kole have good color, are eating and otherwise behaving pretty normal. The Kole is the only fish I have noticed anything unusal with... He arrived a few weeks ago with 1 white spot/larger than ich cyst-like thing on the center of one side of his body. The only meds they have had is a 5 minute pH/temp balanced freshwater dip with methyl-blue added prior to being released into the quarantine system. In time the spot went away. I hoped at the time that it was just a puncture wound from another tang...
Well today upon close scrutiny/observation while feeding Ocean-nutrition algae I noticed another white cyst looking growth on his rear top fin and another at the base of his left fin. I suspect Brooklynella but wouldn't it have already affected my other fish in the same quarantine system by now? ... another possiblity that I have not seen mentioned much lately is some sort of Lymphocystis (mispelled it in the title) since it appears to be isolated to this one fish... my last thought is that it is bacterial... what do you all think? Again the fish is behaving quite normal, active, alert, no scratching, heavy breathing, etc.
Should I go ahead with the formalin dip procedure or what? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thank-you, Joe.

john f

Sounds like lympho to me.
I have a Heniochus in Q right now with lymphocystis. No need to do anything for this.
It occurs when fish have been stressed and damaged during collection and shipping. If you keep good water quality and feed it well, it will just go away on its own. This may not be until the fish enters its permanent home, as even a good Q tank is not as healthy as a nice big display tank or even better Reef tank.