Brooklynella PLEASE HELP!!!


Broolynella wiped out my whole 100 gallon FOWLR tank except for my blue HIPPO tang and a small percula clown. My questions are:
Will Brooklynella stay active in my display tank?
How long do i have to let my diplay tank sit withoiut adding any other fish? Will the Brooklynella die without a host?
Do i have to treat my diplay tank?
What do I need to do to my display tank? PLease HELP!!!!
I am setting up a 20 gallon QT tank next week.


Staff member
Tom, are you sure that the problem was brooklynella? Can you provide some details?
There is info on brooklynella treatment in the FAQ Tread at the top of this forum.


HI Beth,
I did read that forum, and I was able to bring a dead fish into mt LFS, and was told it looked like Brookynella. All of the fish seemed to have signs of Brooknella, based on your photos. all fish looked like they had sunburn. IS this something that will stay in my display tank? Should i treat my diplay tank, or will it all die out?


Staff member
Are you saying the fish were pealing as in the photos? How were they breathing, and how long did it take them to die once you noticed symptoms?
If it is brooklynella, I would not treat the fish unless they became symptomatic, but I would be ready to treat them by locating formalin, and having on hand the bath materials you will need. Within a few weeks, if these fish were going to become susceptible, then they should become symptomatic. Alternatively, you can also treat them, to play it safe. Wait 6 wks before adding new fish, and QT all new fish up front.


HI Beth,
Yes the fish were peeling like in the photos. One fish died 3 to 4 days after i noticed symptoms. They all had labored breathing. I now have two fish left , and they seem to be fine. They have great color, very active, and eating great. Should I let the tank sit for 6 weeks and QT all new fish? Is there something i can add to my doisplay tank?


Staff member
No, leave the display alone. As I said, keep an eye on these other fish, but be ready to treat if the occasion arises. Wait 6-8 weeks before adding new fish.