Brooklynella treatment?



My 90 gallon was infected with Ich a few months ago. I have been battling that since then. Now my fish are dying off, 5 in one week. The most recent was my clownfish which I have had for 3 1/2 years. It seemed to have Brooklynella. Rapid breathing, pale color, sloughing of skin. I do not have a QT and have treated the tank with Kick-Ick, Rally for the secondary infection and today I put in some Stress Coat. I have left a Regal tang (who is looking good), one oc. clown (not so good), an enginner goby (good) and 3 green chromis. Is there a treatment for Brooklynella? I did a freshwater dip on the clowns last night and I think it pushed the one over the edge. I don't think I will do that again. I also have 2 stars and crabs so not able to hypo or use copper, that is why I have used the Kick-ick and the Rally because it is safe for inverts.
My tank is well established (1/01) moved it in 5/04 but used all the old water and cc.
My parameters are:
T- 80
SG 1.022
ph 8.2
ammo 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 0
Am I just destined to lose everything in my tank? I feel so sick about it. I lost my absolute favorite fish--a longnosed hawk fish that measured 5.75 inches.
I loved him like a brother man.

Any suggestions would be a great help. Thanks.


Active Member
The preferred treatment for brooklynella is formalin baths. The treatment is well described in the FAQ sticky at the top of this forum.
Be careful with the formalin as it can make YOU sick if used improperly.