

New Member
I have lost too many fish to count in my 75 gallon aquarium. I am sure I have brooklynella. My lionfish started losing his color, then not eating, then dead this morning. I also lost my clown fish this afternoon. All I have left fish wise, is a cleaner wrasse, which looks awful, a snowflke eel, and a stupid damsel.
I do however have about 25 lbs live rock, turbo snails, sally lightfoot crab, hermit crabs, and a coral banded shrimp. What can I do to kill this horrible crap out of my live rock and tank. I didn't have any problems till I brought home a new 4 lb piece of live rock. Then within 5 days fish strted popping up with this white filmy kinda looking disease. Can I save things?????


Wish I could help, but I'm not sure. Might want to check the sticky above for info on it. I'll give ya a bump. G/L


Staff member
Take a look at the clownfish in the Diseased Fish thread that have brooklynella to see if you can confirm that this is your problem.
Describe symptoms and exactly what happened.


New Member
I would send you a pic but the sick ones are all dead. It looks a lot like the clown. The fish would start to fade out. Like someone was slowly draining their natural color from them. They looked like they had a fine, creamy film on them, would refuse to eat, then hide out breathing hard then die. My ph stays right about 8.3, 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, and 5-10 ppm nitrates. I was searching and saw that I could have brought it in on my live rock, is this true. I have the damsel and eel left. they look healthy and are eating fine. All inverts are fine too.


Staff member
Did you notice shedding?
If it was brooklynella, it did not come in on the rock. That parasite is transferred from fish to fish.