

I have recently noticed what i think is brooklynella on my Purple Pseudo. It looks like a very light film in certain sections on the fish. It really looks almost like a snake starting to shed its skin. I dont know if perhaps one of my fish has been possibly picking at it, damaging its fins. My perc has been known to be very fiesty but when i watch them they have no problem. Also if it was brooklynella I would think that the perc would have it, but she is perfectly healthy. I cant get a pic, I know that would really help but i dont have a camera. Please Help:help:


Active Member
The symptoms you describe sound exactly like Brook. It doesn't necessarily show up on clowns first. IME it is very hard to save a fish already infected, but get it into a QT and start treatment as soon as you can. Monitor the other fish for signs too, it is very contagious. Take a look at the sticky in regards to appropriate treatment. Good luck


At the moment i dont have a QT. I know i know... but i live in a 12x12 box in a fraternity house and another tank isnt really practical. Is there any treatment that i can do in tank without QT. Also this is a really bad time because i am leaving for spring break and wont really be able to deal with this. Any help would be great.:help:


Staff member
Have you just introduced this fish, or any other fish? Brooklynella is a parasite, and like ich, it is passed to fish through contamination.
The white film could be stimulated natural slime coat of the fish due to the harassement, or a bacterial infection.
Is the fish actually "shedding" or breathing/gilling hard?