Broomer....another sump question


ok i think i have figured out how i'm going to do this....but i wanted to get your input on this system...
my 75 is drilled, so i will have 1 40 gallon rubbermaid underneath it for the sump, well here's the different part of it, i am going to put a 10gallon in the rubbermaid container for the plan is to split up the overflow into two different tubes, have one flowing into a trickle filter into the sump and the other flowing into the 10 gallon refugium...then in the 10 gallon i will have a small powerhead pumping water back out of the refugium and into the sump where a mag 9.5 will pump the water back into the you think this will work? and if so, what size powerhead do you reccomend for the refugium?...
thanx for any input...


Active Member
If you're planning to have tank water flow into the 10 gallon refugium, there's really no need to pump it out of the 10 gallon into the surrounding sump. The water will rise up and fall over the edges of the 10.
Trying to match the incoming draining tank water with the outgoing powerhead will be near impossible.
You could place a 10 gallon Rubbermaid right in the 40 gallon Rubbermaid sump - then just cut a hole at one end of the fuge, near the top of one end - and let the water trickle out this hole.
Cut the hole in the far end - farthest from your return pump.
This will reduce bubbles entering yiour return pump back to the display tank.


hey ice broomer is right dont worry about pumping it out of the fuge just let it overflow. broomer gave me alot of advice on mine it is going just great, i divided a 50 gallon and let it overflow into the sump side with return pump.


heh, yep i have that covered now, went to work...thought about it for myself a 10 gallon turtle tank with a square hole in the side about 3/4 the way up......thanx guys...i start work on the sump sunday....wish me luck