Hello broomer,
I've been admiring your site and now want to duplicate your entire sump/refuge setup, except for the timed spraybar. I've already ordered the lifereef overflow and both magdrives, and i've got the rubbermaids and heaters. Basically, could you post or email me a list of all the other things I'll need and where to order/find them? I have no idea on fittings, valves, tubing, etc... If you could do that for me, I would gladly mail you a check to compensate you for the time spent. Thank you very much.
I've been admiring your site and now want to duplicate your entire sump/refuge setup, except for the timed spraybar. I've already ordered the lifereef overflow and both magdrives, and i've got the rubbermaids and heaters. Basically, could you post or email me a list of all the other things I'll need and where to order/find them? I have no idea on fittings, valves, tubing, etc... If you could do that for me, I would gladly mail you a check to compensate you for the time spent. Thank you very much.