

hey i just went to your web page and must say nice work on the page man and your tank...VERY NICE i was just wondering if you happin to know if there is a web page out there that sells the flexable black peaces you have on your spray bar my LFS has been trying to get them for me for a month go figure:rolleyes:
help me out here if you could


Awww, rats. Sorry, I assumed since it is in their hard-copy catalog, it would be in their online catalog. You may have to order one of their cataolgs, it is free, and they will begin sending you one every time a new one comes out. I tried! lol


Active Member
Thanks WinGnut
I bought the fittings from the first link posted by Shadow678.
Click on the fish tab.
Go to Aquriums, Tanks and Supplies.
Click on Plumbing Supplies.
Click on Ball and Check Valves.
Click on Flexible Ball Socket Joint Tubing & Accessories.
Or try this link.
Flexible Fittings
These are the best prices I found online for these types of flex fittings. If you're going using a lot of these fittings and tubing, it may be worth getting the hand pliers. If not, you can still make adjustments or pull the joints apart with your hands, and press the joints back together, but it's pretty hard to do.
Machine shops have been using these types of adjustable flex tubing for years for directing machining oils and coolants to the parts being machined. Just so happens they work really good in our hobby too. They also make this stuff in 1/4". Check out some of the manifold valve assemblies - pretty cool :p
FYI link:


Thanks for answering my question im curently useing a 3/4 pvc spray bar that runs from side to side of my tank its completely hiden and works very well but it only gose across the front and sides on my tank i would use these for the two middle ends of my tank wher my spray bar is not effictive:D