

Active Member
I was wondering if you could also make me an avitar (I've seen what you've done with Lebowski's). Here's the pictures, all are in order, and down to size, so I was wondering if you could make them move. Thanks dude!!
Graham :)


Active Member
I made Lewboskis one night I was bored......must have been, he just doesn't know it was me because I had trouble using my usual name at the's one. Broomer and I seem to enjoy working with graphics, but you can't do much with the file size constraints placed on avitars.


Active Member
BTW, let me know if it's too fast or slow.....easy to change.:) I still have to make a new one for myself, my old one was lost when my name was deleted by accident.:(


Active Member
That is exactly why.......when the board was down for that entire day while they worked on it, my name and everything was deleted somehow.:(


Active Member
Thanks a ton!! It's just perfect as it is. Thanks for taking the time to do that!
Graham :)
EDIT: It won't let me use the image. It says this:
Error - cannot find an image at the specified URL. Please make sure that you have entered a valid URL.
The URL is correct, just copied and pasted the URL of sammy's attachment. Any ideas?


Active Member
I think you need to save the whole file down to your computer then re-upload it in your CP settings area - let me know if that is not clear


Active Member

Originally posted by overanalyzer
I think you need to save the whole file down to your computer then re-upload it in your CP settings area - let me know if that is not clear

Makes perfect sense. I got it now! Thanks Overanalyzer!!
Graham :)


Active Member

Originally posted by Richard Rendos
I like it...

Wow Richard, that looks great! I might use that one, thanks!
Graham :)