Brown Algae, dead fish??


The last few days Ive notices brown algae starting up, not a lot but noticeable. This morning when I woke up my tang was dead. He hadn;t been acting sick . He was eating fine but was not swiming as much, but not anything to worry about becasue he was eating (so i thought) None of the other fish are acting funny. Is the brown algae meaing my tank is cycling again, its been setup for 6 months. and ifs its cycling again is that why the tang died???



Sorry about your loss....But first we need some info from you...What size is your tank? What are your readings???

my way

Active Member
Have you tested your water? It is a good idea to test it on a regular basis. You would know right away if it is recycling by seeing if the ammonia or nititrite levels have risen over a reading of 0.


PH 8.2
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 5
Ammonia 0.3
Also, Sundays are the days I do 10% weekly water changes, So sometime today I will be doing that

my way

Active Member
Any time you get an ammonia or nitrite reading above "0" your tank is cycling. Make sure you're not over feeding In fact I would feed every other day if you are feeding every day now. Do your water changes and leave it alone till your readings are back to "0". Don't try cleaning filters or anything, you will just be complicating your problem. Now is the time to think what have you done recently to cause the imbalance of your system, added new livestock, cleaned your filter media etc., remenber do everything in small increments. I have used a product called "Cycle" that I believed helped jump start a cycle.