Brown "algae" on LS?


im guessing its an algae and i dont know where it comes from, but ive had this problem for awhile now. It come and goes cuz the hermit crabs love the stuff and devour it in a day or so.
but i woke up this morning and its all over the LS and its not too pleasant looking. Today is the worst it has been so far.
Anyone know what this is and what i can do about it?
i did some research here on the boards and i did get some new lights about a month ago. I saw one post that said when u get new lights there is an algae breakout. They are stronger lights one 65w 10000k and one 65watt Antic.
but nothing i found useful.. so any ideas on what it is?


Active Member
Diatom algae, usually see it very heavy at the end of a cycle. More water movement across the sand bed, fighting conches will eat it up also. It's from excess trates, maybe cut back your feeding a little bit.


Well-Known Member
I do not know how long the tank has been setup but ,in my experience brown algae was usually about 2-4 weeks into the cycle. Yes it feeds on the nitrAtes but more importantly phosphates. As it consumes the phosphates it dies off and is replaced with green algae. In my opinion, the only way to control algae is to add macro algae which will compete for the same nutrients.


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by fishy_fishy
the tank has been up for 4 months now...
how do i add macro algae? and what is macro algae?

Macro algae is simply algae which looks like plants (sea weed). Most grow it in a refugium because the livestock like to eat it. Caulpera seems to be the most popular. As with all plant life , it uses nitrates and therefore is very effective in reducing nitrates. I like planted aquariums and therefore do everything i can to encourage macro algae growth. The best source would be someone in your area who is removing it from their refuguim each month or so. SWF has shaving brushes which are a form of macro algae. If you would like more information, try searching this board or google. You could also email me at so I could send a few information links.


i have 2 clown fishes... they are omnivores i belive, but if i put some of the macro algae in my tank would they devour it? Or can i keept it safely in it?


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by fishy_fishy
i have 2 clown fishes... they are omnivores i belive, but if i put some of the macro algae in my tank would they devour it? Or can i keept it safely in it?

not sure about clown fish, but my yellow tang is constantly grazing on my macro. My damsels also but to a much lower level of activity. Over time I have built up a substantial macro growth, but I grow it first in a 20g then transfer it to the 55g display. In that way i protect my investment in the macro algae.


IME clowns will not eat the macro that you put in your tank. tangs and some angels will go nuts for it though.


Active Member
Tanks been up 4 months and new lights a month ago. I think you should check for phosphates and silicates. They can cause a diatom bloom. What kind of water do you use? You could be introducing phosphates into the tank with the water. If so you can try a phosphate removing material. I tend to lean towards the age of your tank and your new lighting as the problem if you are using ro/di water. In this case the diatoms will recede within a few weeks. Patience may be the key. I stared at a tank full of diatoms for weeks after changing over from a 55 to 135 and new lighting.....just about drove me buggers but all is well now.


Active Member
As Wrascell stated, this diatom alge feed off silicates and phosphates. Once their food source has been removed, it ill go away. Usuall on appears in new tanks. (Usuall within the first 2 months) It can appear in old tanks where the sliciates are elevated. Your water source is usually where they come from. But, since you use distilled, that could not be the case. It can also come from some fish foods.
Do you have a picture of it? Is it slimey or come off the sand in chunks? You stated it can appear appear overnight and that is why I am asking the above questions. I could be another type of algea....?...


i cant figure out the camera.... i will hopefuly get my sister to figure it out and post back s00n... until then Happy 4th of July everyone.