Brown Algae or Diatoms


Hey guys---i have a tank now for about 4 months
its a 10 gallon and i use a bio wheel filter, nothing else
I know its a bad idea--but when i got into the hobby i didn't know better--
I have a yellow tang and a clown---please don't yell at me for the tang in the 10 gallon i ALREADY know
now---i had a problem with brown algae on my glass and liverock but i got 5 snails, a peppermint shrimp and a nudibranch to take care of it.
after a month later (now) I have the same brown algae -i now know its diatoms- on my sand. ALL OVER the sand and nowhere else.
What can i do? I heard crabs are good algae eaters on sand?
any advice?


Active Member
What are your levels, as in Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, PH and Alkaline??? It's pretty much a new tank syndrom. What type of water are you using for water changes?? If you use tap water, that's where the problem lies. If you use RO water, then the problem should go away sometime soon. :happyfish