I would say no, do not do a water change. You just took out you CC that put a lot of nitrate in your water. You put some dry sand and "bagged Live Sand" Which in reality if you think about it. Just how is that sand staying alive. The sand may have been live when they packaged it, But just as Live Rock will have die off in shipping, So will this sand. Plus there is now circulation, nothing to keep the bio bacteria alive. It was shipped, in what a hot truck in the summer. That would kill the bacteria, Was it shipped during the winter, So it probley good too cold. When was that bag packaged. Last week, month, year. You have no way of knowing. I guarantee you If you get live sand from anyone, put it in a plastic bag. and throw it in you closet for a month or longer. The sand will not longer be Live Sand. Now with that said, You took out your cc, and replaced it with sand. Just sand. There may have been some bacteria still on the live rock, But I would venture to say, that with all the nitrates released into the water while takeing out the cc. You probley set you tank into a spin. It just needs time to take care of itself. Get the livestock out of the tank, and let the tank cycle. Once it has cycled, then you can do a water change. Meanwhile do not disturb the sand again, Put a few powerhead in for good circulation, and flow, and let time heal it. Just like a sore, it will take a lot longer to heal if you keep picking at it.