Brown Algae problem


New Member
I have a 75G fish only tank with a little live rock. I have brown algae all over the place and try to keep it down by cleaning it of the walls of the aquarium but it always comes back in a day of two. I have a snowflake eel and a Lunare wrasse. Is there anything I can put in the tank to help with my problem. LFS told me to put a mine urchin in the tank. I also heard that Tangs might help. Any Ideas?
Also I have nitrates that reach 40 ppm ocassionally will this harm an urchin? And during the summer my tank has reached 83 degrees; how do I lower it (w/o buying a Chiller) and will this stress anything I put in the tank?
Any help would be great... Thanks
do you have any "turbo Snails"? I had a slight problem with brown algae, and I only had one turbo, so I bou8ght 3 more...I've got a 115g... also a lawnmower blennt loves to eat the stuff, and an emerald crab wouldn't hurt. Total cost...maybe $20.

ken s

i have the same problem. i bought 6 algae snails and they are going to town on the algae. so far that it all they are eating. i have also noticed a small patch of green algae starting. just be patient. this is a good thing. your tank is progressing well. keep your eye on your tests.


New Member
Tank Has been established for a year. I have just put some live rock in the tankabout 10 lbs. And room temp fluctuates but averages 70 except in the summer.


New Member
Tank Has been established for a year. I have just put some live rock in the tankabout 10 lbs. And room temp fluctuates but averages 70 except in the summer.