Brown Algae


Ive searched the forums, and havent found any help
I seem to have a brown algae issue. I realize that a starting tank will have a brown algae spike as part of the cycle, but I think this may be excesive. The algea is covering about 70% of the sand and Live rock. I changed lights from an Aqua Glow to a Power Glow to see if this would help, and have also started to decrease the time the lights ar left on. After taking water tests, the results are:
Temperature 80
Salinity 1.023
PH 8.1
Ammonia oppm
Nitrite 0ppm
Nitrate 10ppm
Phosphate 0.75ppm
The tank is:
25 gallons about 6 wks old
15lbs Live Fiji rock
Aqua Clear 200 filter
24" Power Glow light
Water is RO, and a 10% water change every 2 weeks.
Tank inhabitants:
1 Pepermint Shrimp
1 Marble Star
4 Turbo snails
I also use an additive called CYCLE. It is made by Hagen.
If there are any more questions please let me know. I would really like to solve this problem.


15 lbs live rock
pepermint shrimp
marble star
turbo snails
no fish
tank has been cycleing for just over 6 weeks.


something that will kill it is no light. i forgot to turn my light on day. and after 24 hour all the algae on the tank disapere. but diatom is very normal on new tank, it will go eventually when your tank star maturing. you should also chek you phospate level


We also have a brown algae mess. Gawd it takes away from everything is makes us so disappointed

I've been reading up on it every chance I get. Would a Vortex Diatom filter or comparable help speed up the process of ridding the tank of this nusiance??


It usually goes away in a few weeks or so, and seems to be apart of the tank maturing process. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but this is mainly a result of your tank using up silicates, and once the silicates are used up, you shouldn't see a bloom like this again.
As far as getting rid of it, stir it up when you do your next water change, and siphon out the mess. HTH...:happyfish


personally i just scrape the tank during blooms... eventually they pass, but you gotta keep your eyes open or they will spread to the substrate :thinking:


Active Member

Originally posted by Bot587
personally i just scrape the tank during blooms... eventually they pass, but you gotta keep your eyes open or they will spread to the substrate :thinking:

My Queen Conch's do a great job at cleaning the substrate piece by piece...


Sounds like your tank is cycled.You just need to get a clew up crew.Pick up some hermits and some more snails. Try putting your turbo snails on trouble spots on the rocks..


First of all don't take advise too seriously from people that ask you questions which have been stated in the very first post. With that being said, they are indeed diatoms. Here is what I did. When the tank is new and no corals, I simply turn the lights off for a few days to a week. Add some turbo snails and scarlett hermits. Other good items during this stage for your size tank, IMO, are conches, ceriths, emerald crabs. This is just a suggestion for what works for me.



Originally posted by cdn_beaver
Will my shrimp be alright without the light for afew days?

Yes, your shrimp will be fine. Just feed the tank as you normally would. It will eat.