brown algae?


New Member
I am new to the whole saltwater aquarium thing, but I did a lot of research before setting up my tank. I even set up a trial tank to see how my real tank would survive. I have had my tank set up for 2 months now, and there have been no problems until yesterday when i discovered some brown algae like material coating one of my ornaments and my reef sand and crushed shells. I have researched thigns, but have no idea what this is or how to remove it from my tank? please help..


Active Member
It sounds like Diatom algae...perfectly normal for a young tank.
You'll get more responses if you post under New Hobbyists Forum. :D


New Member
thanx for your help, I posted again under New Hobbyist, because of your recommendation. thank you! I went to a store and described it to the girl, she said maybe cyanocide or something, so I boguht stuff. should i wait to use it to see if it goes away?


Active Member
If it's brown it's Diatom algae...If it's more of a reddish purple it's Cyano bacteria.
IMO don't add any chemicals until you've tried the methods suggested in these replies. :D