Brown Algae?


New Member
We just setup our tank about a month ago. The guy at the LFS was telling us that we should not be concerned about a 21 day breakout of Brown Algae, is this common ( it is starting to happen ) and should we do anything to combat, or will it subside.


New Member
Sorry I guess I need to add that to my sig.. It is a 75 gallon, with about 2 inch bed of crushed aragonite, and 80 pounds of live rock. We just used tap water to get it started because the LFS said that was fine, after applying the buffers and all to get rid of the chlorine and such..


New Member
Thanks for the info Kip, it must be diatoms, and after reading up alot on them, I think we are definently in the market for a RO/DI unit. Thanks for the post on that question as well.