Brown Algae


Ok, I am waiting for my tank to cycle. I have an ammonia value of about 0.30 mg/L and no detectable amounts of Nitrite. My question is: I am starting to get some pretty good brown algae growth. Do I let this go crazy until the tank cycles or should I start buying some snails or other cleaner stuff? I am pretty sure I should wait until the tank cycles. Any recommendations on what to buy when it is indeed time to get cleaners?
Thanks in advance, Bededog


You should not put anything in the tank until ammonia and nitrites are zero. It is a natural progression of the cycle to have the algae bloom. One thing you could do is simply turn your lights off during the cycle or limit the amount of time they are on.
When the tank is completely cycled be careful that you do not over purchase snails and hermit crabs as there needs to be enough algae to support them. But a nice mix of snails would be a good way to start


i'm going on my second week of cycling too. am beginning to see my lr turning brown, when it was reddish/purple last week. algea is soo ugly :mad: