brown algae


I started a 29 gal FO tank (6/9/00)and have 4 fish in it(clown, trigger, wrasses, damsel). Water test look good, fish are getting along but I now have dark brown algae growing on the rocks. How do I get rid of it? This is my first SW tank so I don't know the tricks.
Thanks, Mike

mr . salty

Active Member
This is normal. soon the brown will die off and the green will start.Do you have any live rock yet? This will also help speed things up. Otherwise,if you cant stand looking at the stuff,you could vaccume the gravel. It will be back in a day or two till your tank matures. STEVE


Thanks for the info, I do not have any live rock in the tank. How much would you put in a 29 gal tank? Also what does it do for you? Mike
Originally posted by MR . SALTY:
This is normal. soon the brown will die off and the green will start.Do you have any live rock yet? This will also help speed things up. Otherwise,if you cant stand looking at the stuff,you could vaccume the gravel. It will be back in a day or two till your tank matures. STEVE

mr . salty

Active Member
in a 29 gallon I would think 20 lbs would do. But add it a chunk a week until you like what you see. It has hundreds of nooks and crannies where micro organisms grow and hide. Thats very good for your tank. It also provides hiding places for your fish. They also use it to sleep in. It's also very good looking,reeflike.Good algae grows on it,which is good for water airation,and your fish will graze on it. I think thats enough good reasons to have it.Hell, I think I'll go out and but some more. STEVE
[This message has been edited by MR . SALTY (edited 08-12-2000).]