Brown algae


Hello all,
My ? is that i have had my tank running solo for about 2 months. Solo i mean that only feeding and water cap-offs where going on.. I surpassed the green and red algae at least i think so.. Or it could be the lack of flourecent light.the lights being burned out. I just got new bulbs and with in 20 mins the fish where out swiming around again like nothing was wrong.. the only thing is is that the water looks yellowish and the have this clump like algae on the substrate starting to go away with new fiter working.. I tested my Sal and it was reading .019 . I would like some help in getting rid of the yellow water.
I have access to a Chem- clean product Any Reviews?


New Member
couple things one is yes bring your salt level higher and a couple questions. Is your tank located near a window? Most important when alage gets out of control then lighting plays a major role in this since alage needs lighting to grow. Do you keep your lighting on for a long time? I also thing you mwntioned that your light bulb was old. If you did then this may contribute to an alage problem. Also chek things like Nitrate levels and your other levels to see how they read. Check the filter. Also alage eating fish are a good way to keep alage uner control.


have you done a water change yet? that could be contributing to your yellowing water. And yes bring your salinity up slowly , mines usually between 1.024-1.024 1/2